Bethel Heavy I remember my roommate used the term I was pretty ablivious to the term back then in the mid seventies, as I was one of the ones that left on the mayflower(June actually) I thought it better to get the hell out of there because I couldn't see myself with no money after 10 0r 20 years of servitude to the corporation getting disfellowshipped and kicked out into the world to make a living so I left while I was only 23 and able to start up a new life all be it still under the control of the Watchtower Corporation.
My roommate still kept up reaching out for Bethel heavy many years after I left I wonder what happened to him his name was John Parham from San Antonio Texas if I remember correctly I roomed with him in the 124 building with a picture window view of the Manhattan skyline during the last 6 months of my stay. The picture below is much more silvery blue during the day time to my eye. I wish him well were ever he may be.